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Hot Pipes Half Hour Broadcast 331 – Orientale


Name Artist Album Year Comments
The Orient Express Cor Standaart Plays the Tesselschade Church, Hilversum, Holland [CO 1389] 5-27 Foort Moller, Tesselschade Church, Hilversum, Holland
The Japanese Sandman John Muri Concert: Senate Detroit – Tribute to Richard Whiting 4-34 Wurlitzer, Senate Theatre, Detroit, MI
Japanische Puppenspiele (Japanese Puppet Show) Paul Mania Electrola EG 2285 1931 2-7 Wurlitzer, op. 2015, style 165X SP [1929], ‘Die Kamera’, Berlin W8, Germany
Tambourin Chinois Lew Williams Sforzando 11X 1985 5-21 Wurlitzer, Bill Brown Residence, Phoenix, AZ; recorded November 1985 at the Phoenix Festival
Japansy George Wright Volume Two – Flight to Tokyo [Banda CD] 1959 5-21 Wurlitzer, Richard Vaughn Studio, Hollywood, CA; ex-Paradise Theatre, Chicago
China Doll Kay McAbee Misc Recordings 1971 3-14 Louisville Uniphone, Rivoli Theatre, Indianapolis, IN
China Doll Parade Quentin Maclean Happy Days [Sterndale CD] 1938 4-21 Wurlitzer, Trocadero Cinema, Elephant and Castle, London
Limehouse Blues Don Baker Theatre Organ Greats [Aurum 0003] 1982 4-34 Wurlitzer, Fisher Theatre, Detroit, MI

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